Feb 22, 2006

new look. new assignment.

My blog got a makeover this week. Even though I still have no clue what I'm doing. I need help with making my blog more reader-friendly. Anyone out there willing to help?

It's been an eventful week thus far...this weekend my friend Kyle from Texas is coming to CA to go skiing w/ me and some friends at Mammoth. Way excited.

The interim pastor at Lake Avenue Church (my church Warehouse's big brother church, came to preach for us last Sunday night, about God and money. He talked a lot about stewardship and the importance of recognizing our money as not belonging to us but to God, and living accordingly. He then went on to ask for volunteers from the audience...I was one of them. He handed each of us a 100$ bill and said, "You can take this money if you realize that a) this is God's money, not yours, b) you can do whatever you want w/ it, so long as it serves to further the kingdom of God, and c) you must report back to the church in 60 days what I did w/ the money."

So now I'm on a Kingdom Assignment. There's four of us from my church hub that volunteered, so we have 400$ pooled together. Anyone have any ideas of what we can do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Josh, may I suggest you return the money to the interim pastor and tell him you feel that the Parable of the Talents should remain symbolic and not enacted. For an in depth Biblical look into Kingdom Assignment, please check out www.ccel.us/KA.html I'd be interested in your careful analysis.